From MOJO music magazine in England entitled:



"My profile has been low lately, but my productivity has been high. I've been working. I've written over 500 songs that nobody's heard.

Then my friend, Walker Ed Amick, who's been bugging me to get back in the public eye for sometime, suggested that I record an album that we'd sell over the internet. That sounded interesting, so I got a bunch of friends together and we cut it at my home studio here in Shadow Hills outside of Los Angeles. It has the best musicians I know on it - Spooner Oldham, David Scott (the greatest piano player I've heard since Leon Russell), Jim Keltner, Jerry McGee, Richie Sambora, Jon Bon Jovi, and Thomas Carlyle, one of the greatest guitar players in the world who just recently passed away.

My Mom sang on it - she's taught me everything I know, for whatever that is worth - and my daughter Bekka. We had a ball doing this damn thing, I'm not really sure how you would classify the music. Some of it's country blues, almost Robert Johnson slide stuff. Some of it's swampy and we did a version of the song I wrote for ERIC CLAPTON, Let It Rain, with steel drums. I didn't restrict myself in any way, I just reached into the bag and pulled out some songs I like best.

Then a gentleman from Zane Records in England, Peter Thompson, fell in love with it and wanted to put it out in England and Europe. So I'm gearing up to get back out on the road, and when I do, it's gonna be more fun than I've ever had. My wife, Kim Carmel, will be with me, and she's a terrific singer. She plays sax and flute also. I'm producing an album on her that's almost finished, a real ding dong record. Peter has asked me to do a blues album after that, so I'm gonna be a very busy fellow."

Interviewed by Ben Edmonds 8/98

Note: Since this interview, Zane has also released this record entitled "Sounds From Home" in Japan.

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